In a country like ours, it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed by the immense need within our immediate communities and our society at large. Most of us who want to help don’t really know where to begin. Thankfully, every now and then, we are fortunate enough to meet ordinary people with extraordinary vision and the tenacity to keep pushing forward even when challenges seem insurmountable.
One of these special people is Eureka Oliver; the driving force behind Bobbi Bear, a human rights organization committed to serving, supporting and rescuing sexually abused children. Based in Doonside, Bobbi Bear presented us with the perfect opportunity to put together a CSI initiative in keeping with Cooee’s commitment and passion for local community upliftment.
Armed with cooler bags filled with treats and gifts for each of the children, the Coo-ee team was able to spend time playing and sharing with the many girls and boys cared for at Bobbi Bear. Whilst the time spent was short, the team left knowing that both their, and the kid’s lives had been touched by something greater than themselves.
It was truly an unforgettable and humbling experience that many will never forget.